1 min read

What's Up for 2025

What's Up for 2025
Photo by Roven Images / Unsplash

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a relaxing holiday break and are returning to regular life with renewed energy and focus for the year ahead.

I wanted to share how I will be shaping my free content for 2025 and hope it sounds good to you, too!

Each month will have a theme for which I will offer education and lifestyle tips that support that theme.

Here is a quick outline of what you can expect:

  • An opening post that introduces the theme of the month, its foundational principles, and some self-assessments questions to help you gauge your health in that area
  • Weekly lifestyle tips designed to be practical and impactful
  • A live webinar at the conclusion of the month to review all the key teachings and a chance for you to ask any questions (a link to the live webinars will be included in my monthly introductory post)

Here is a sneak peak at 2025’s theme lineup:

JanuaryMinerals: the Missing Pieces

FebruaryHydration: Holding Water

MarchCellular Health: The Ultimate Foundation

April - Blood Sugar Regulation: Taking the Reins

MayEnvironmental Health: Indoors & Outdoors

JuneSeasonal Living for Summer: Making the Shift

JulyHormone Health: the Balancing Act

August - Cardiovascular Health: a Reflection of Health

September – Digestion: Setting the Stage

October – Brain Health: the Knowledge Worker’s Muscle

NovemberStress Management: Minimizing the Stressors, Building the Defenses

December – Seasonal Living for Winter: Allowing the Shift

I will continue to channel all my experiences and learnings towards providing you with quality guidance to help you fit nutrition and wellness into your workday and life.

I am honoured to support you and if you’d like to work with my 1:1, or have me deliver a Corporate Talk to your organization, you know where you to find me.

Cheers to 2025!