My mission
I am part of a collective mission to reverse the epidemic of preventable poor health.
My personal mission, within the collective, is to use the principles of holistic nutrition to support the work-health balance in those with busy work lives so that work and health can function in harmony.
To that end, my work takes a foundational approach to nutrition and lifestyle habits that promote productivity and rituals for stress management that can fit practically into the architecture of your work day.
My why
Why do I pursue this mission?
Because I enjoy work. I believe work brings meaning to our lives, imbues value in ourselves, and the world around us, and there is great virtue in that.
I also enjoy good health. There is no price or word you can give to a body that feels at peace.
Often, work and health battle one another in opposition and when work wins too often, health suffers - does it have to be that way?
My unsinkable optimism and belief is that it actually doesn’t have to be that way, but that we have allowed boundaries to be crossed. Perhaps we need to re-draw those battle lines…or re-assign dance spaces.
With some vital shifts of mindset and behaviour, I truly believe work and health can dance in harmony.
As I reflect back, my biggest regret from the health challenges I faced in the context of my work life, wasn’t the heartache or hassle of going through them, or even the learning that went into understanding my body – that was and is valuable learning that only pays dividends time and time again. My regret was the time and productivity that I lost from the poor quality thinking that comes along with a body out of balance.
I look back and think how I could have been more creative, a better problem-solver, a quicker learner and carried out projects with greater fluidity, arrived at better decisions, and the big one, understood what was really of priority in work and life.
I was working too hard to ensure my health was being honoured in the process.
That regret stings for me – because you can’t go back to reclaim lost opportunities.
And, while you can’t change the past, I have been able to make dramatic shifts in integrating nutrition and wellness into my work day, so I am a living testament that these shifts are achievable and create a significant impact on your performance.
It can be done.
That is why I feel so compelled to help others (and maybe even you) in creating a strong foundation for your health and your work life to coexist harmoniously, so that you can operate productively and give the best of yourself to the world. Nothing wasted. No loss at the hand of poor health.
My story
Like many (if not all) nutrition practitioners, I was drawn to this work through my own health struggles.
When all of your time gets vacuumed into stick handling your health challenges and you endlessly research the reasons for your suffering, seek potential solutions, and tirelessly experiment with those potential solutions to see what works…your health becomes your hobby and then eventually (and strangely) a life passion!
The passion part seems to come in when you finally experience significant progress towards those challenges and are eager to help others plagued in a similar way – and this is where you find me now.
The deepest understanding comes from those who have journeyed a similar path.
Where I have been?
Here are a few of the challenges I grappled with on my own health journey:
- Persistent acne in my late teens for which I took antibiotics and other prescription medication
- Digestive issues and food sensitivities, for years
- Imbalanced female hormones and brutal cravings
- Brain fog and poor concentration
I was fortunate to have connected with many amazing practitioners along the way who supported me through these challenges – I will be forever indebted to them.
That said, I did not always find the improvements I experienced to be long lasting, so my quest for wellness continued.
The greatest transformation happened when I took responsibility for my own health– finally honouring the age old advice “heal thyself.”
Holistic nutrition gave me the framework to do just that.
By investigating my own foundations of health (what I often refer to as simply “the Foundations”), I was finally able to connect so many dots in my health, that I had never been able to do before. Doing so allowed me to understand and address many of the imbalances that had plagued me for years.
I developed a profound respect for holistic nutrition and approaching health from a foundational perspective from my experience. This approach brought a simplicity and structure to a topic that can very quickly become bewildering.
I’m so excited to share its teachings with you!
My education & certification
Approved with the Canadian Association for Integrative Nutrition as a Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioner (CAIN-RHNP™)
Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (Nutritional Therapy Association)
Honours Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Philosophy (University of Toronto)